Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rules For The Maze

(Pictures of my hedge maze taken every year from 2003 when it was first planted to this year, 2009).

1) Please be respectful. Deposit all trash at the can near the entrance.
2) Do not cut through the hedge line.
3) Do not play with the statuary.
4) Please avoid moving the sundial or moon dial.
5) No running. There are too many trip hazards.
6) If an area in yellow-tapped due to construction, don't cross the line.
7) Mr. Humphreys protects the maze. Mr. Humphreys is active at night, so
it is not advisable to be in the maze after dark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait there is no trash can near the entrance...and is there a fee for this?